With the Masters Tournament starting this weekend, we all want to swing like Bryson DeChambeau. Don’t let that nagging neck/shoulder/back/hip or anything else hold you back from reaching your maximum potential.

Most golf injuries are soft tissue related and often a result of overuse or poor swing mechanics.

Overuse injuries are often the result of “too much too soon”. If you haven’t golfed all winter and your handicap is +10, then swinging 82 times might place a higher demand on your tissues that they were not prepared for. Playing within your physical limit, then building up your tolerance is always recommended.

The swing is a complex and highly coordinated movement. It can be broken down into five components: 1. Backswing, 2. Forward swing, 3. Acceleration, 4. Early followthrough, and 5. Late followthrough. Each component has a specific demand on your joints, coordination and strength. Quality research exists to support strength training to maximize your golf performance. Research even suggests a good warm-up can improve your performance. Next time you’re out try a few assisted deep squats, deadlifts, back rotations, and neck rotations before you swing your clubs and see how you feel.

The Physiotherapists at Kamloops Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre are all trained to analyze joint range of motion, measure strength, and identify movements that you can improve on. This can reduce undue stress on your body and prevent the onset of pain. We can assist in developing a treatment plan to help you achieve your goals and play comfortably all season long.

This blog was written by Timothy Schmidt, MPT.  If you wish to book with Tim, call the clinic at (250) 314-0788 or click this link to see Tim’s availability on our online booking page:

Information adapted from:

 Infographic. Golf and health. A.D. Murray et al British Journal of Sports Medicine. Jan 1, 2017

Copyright © 2017, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. & British Association of Sports & Exercise Medicine

Muscle activity during golf swing. A. McHardy and H. Pollard. British Journal of Sports 2005;39:799–804. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.020271