Physiotherapists are University-trained healthcare professionals with education in anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, and rehabilitation sciences. Using a patient-centered approach, physiotherapists use evidence-based practice to assess, treat, and manage pain, injuries, movement dysfunction and chronic conditions.
The educational requirements for Physiotherapists in Canada have evolved from a Bachelor’s degree, to the current standard of a Master’s level degree. Physiotherapists in British Columbia are members of the College of Physiotherapists of BC, which oversees the professional conduct of its members. All therapists at Kamloops Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre are also members of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association and the Physiotherapy Association of BC.

Physiotherapists treat a wide range of conditions affecting the Musculoskeletal, Nervous, Cardiorespiratory and Circulatory systems of the body. At Kamloops Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre, we have Physiotherapists that offer treatments for a wide range of injuries and conditions. Treatments can involve manual therapy (hands-on), exercises, therapeutic modalities such as ultrasound, taping/bracing, and education. For more information, see a list of treatments further down the page.
During the first visit, your Physiotherapist will conduct a detailed history of your current injury or reason for attending treatment. This will include past injuries, current medications, medical conditions, and other pertinent questions. After taking a history, the Physiotherapist will conduct a thorough assement, looking at range of motion, strength, flexibility, muscle tone, and alignment among other things. The therapist will explain to you their working diagnosis and begin treatment. Treatments will be tailored to the findings of your assessment.

At Kamloops Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre, we accept ICBC and Worksafe BC claims and can also bill directly to some Extended Health Benefit Plans. There is a user fee associated with ICBC follow-up visits.
Physiotherapy Services

Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is a specialized technique used by physiotherapists to assess and treat movement and joint dysfunction in the body.
Manual therapy includes the use of mobilization/manipulation, muscle release techniques, soft tissue mobilization and neural mobilization techniques to treat restricted movement.
Specific exercises are also prescribed to improve and control mobility.
Our physiotherapists have taken advanced training in manual therapy and some have fulfilled the Fellowship of Canadian Advanced Manipulative Therapy requirements (FCAMPT).
Check out the individual physiotherapist bios on the Our Team page to get more details on their training and certification.
Dry Needling/IMS
Physiotherapists can utilize techniques involving the insertion of thin acupuncture needles into tight bands within a muscle to release the tension that may be causing pain and loss of movement. This technique is generally referred to as Dry Needling or IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation).
In general, all Dry Needling and IMS techniques are similar. Dry needling and IMS help to relieve pain, reduce tension and restore muscle balance while improving range of motion and movement patterns. We can also help you learn new movement strategies so your muscles don’t continue to develop excessive tension and pain.
Check out the qualifications of the physiotherapists on the Our Team page to see who can offer you this technique.
For more information on Dry Needling and IMS, refer to

Vestibular Rehabilitation
Vestibular Rehabilitation is an exercise and movement-based approach for the treatment of dizziness and balance problems. This treatment can be effective for people of all ages regardless of how long the symptoms have been occurring. Treatment can consist of hands-on techniques to reduce symptoms or an individualized exercise program (or both!). If you have dizziness, imbalance, vertigo, frequent falls, concussion or blurred vision that your doctor feels may be related to your inner ear, then vestibular rehabilitation may help.
Vestibular rehabilitation programs are designed to decrease vertigo and disequilibrium associated with peripheral vestibular abnormalities or musculoskeletal conditions causing dizziness and imbalance. There are many causes of dizziness, and not all are the result of vestibular and musculoskeletal deficits. It is recommended that patients see their family doctor or a specialist prior to starting a physiotherapy program. Typically the specialist will be an otolaryngologist or a neurologist.
Our therapists are trained in vestibular rehabilitation and concussion treatment with strong backgrounds in musculoskeletal treatment. We can assess and treat most vestibular conditions. To see who treats these conditions, check out our therapist bios on the Our Team page.
The following document can help you determine whether vestibular rehabilitation is appropriate for your condition: How do I know if I have a vestibular disorder?
The following websites contain helpful information regarding vestibular disorders and vestibular rehabilitation. For more information, please visit:
Sports Physiotherapy
A ‘Sport Physiotherapist’ is a Physiotherapist who has completed additional training to achieve a Certificate or Diploma in Sport Physiotherapy through Sport Physiotherapy Canada SPC (a Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association).
The Sport Physiotherapist is qualified to work with Canada’s High Performance athletes in all settings including daily training and competitions such as World Championships and the Olympic Games.
At Kamloops Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre, our Sports Physiotherapists will perform a thorough assessment and develop a comprehensive treatment plan designed to address your specific problem areas, your sport specific needs, and guide your successful return to sport.
Don’t let an injury get in the way of doing the exercise you need and the sport you love!
Check out our bios on the Our Team page and see who qualifies as a “Sport Physiotherapist”.
Helpful Links below:

Neuro Anatomical Acupuncture is a tool used by some physiotherapists to treat acute and chronic painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system. In western medical terms, acupuncture stimulates the nervous system and promotes release of your body’s natural chemicals (e.g. endorphins, anti-inflammatory substances) to relieve pain, stimulate healing and promote physical and emotional health.
Acupuncture is used by physiotherapists by inserting thin, solid needles into very specific points of the body in order to treat muscle problems, chronic pain, headaches, jaw pain and numerous other musculoskeletal conditions
Some of our therapists have taken extensive post graduate training and examinations in acupuncture to ensure they meet the standards to be safe and effective.
Check out the individual physiotherapist bios on the Our Team page to find a physiotherapist who can offer you acupuncture.
For more information please visit:
Please Note: When a physiotherapist utilizes acupuncture it is still considered a physiotherapy treatment by extended medical plans. Acupuncture provided by a physiotherapist can NOT be claimed under extended medical insurance as a visit to an acupuncturist.
TMD (Temporomandibular Dysfunction)
Your jaw has a joint on either side called the Temporomandibular Joint or “TMJ” where your mandible meets your skull. Problems or pain in one or both of your TMJ’s is called Temporomandibular Dysfunction and is abbreviated TMD. Many of the physiotherapists and one of the massage therapists at Kamloops Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre have experience and skills to assist you in managing TMD.
Common symptoms of TMD include:
- Jaw, face or ear pain
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Ringing or fullness in the ears
- Loss of mobility
- Joint noises such as popping, clicking and grinding.
After a thorough assessment of your jaw, spine and shoulder blades your therapist can assist you with education, posture correction, manual therapy, exercise and other treatments to help manage TMD.Your TMJ’s are used all day when you eat, talk, breathe and express emotion. They can even be under strain while you sleep from your sleep position or if you grind or clench your teeth (bruxism).
The nerves to your jaw muscles intermingle with nerves from your upper neck. Because of this biomechanical connection of your jaw with your neck and upper back and the neurological connection, TMD almost always includes issues in your neck and upper back. Your therapist will assess your neck, upper back and shoulder blades along with a detailed assessment of your jaw joints and muscles to make sure all components contributing to your symptoms are addressed.
TMD management may include joint mobilization, massage, exercise, postural correction, Acupuncture, Dry Needling, education, and stress management skills. To see who treats TMD, check out our therapist bios on the Our Team page.

Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging
All of the therapists at Kamloops Physiotherapy have had training in the use of Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging (RUSI) to assess how your core muscles are working. With RUSI we can check to make sure that you are doing your deep core exercises correctly, and we can use the ultrasound images to give you visual feedback to make sure that you are able to properly learn the exercises that we prescribe for you. All 3 of our clinic sites have modern ultrasound imaging units to ensure we can guide you to optimal core muscle function.
The muscles of the trunk can be broken into the deep core and outer core muscles. The deep core includes the:
- Transversus abdominus
- Multifidus
- Pelvic floor muscles
- Diaphragm
When these muscles are working properly they will turn on at appropriate levels to control movement of your spine and pelvis. After injury and pain the control of these deep muscles and how they work together with the outer core muscles can become sub-optimal.
The “outer core” refers to the outer abdominal muscles including the rectus abdominus (the 6-pack muscle) and the obliques plus the lower back muscles called the erector spinae. These are the muscles that are most commonly targeted in “core” classes and abdominal exercise programs. Performing general “core exercises” does not always automatically recruit the deep core muscles. After pain or injury, the body may have developed bad habits and imbalances in how it uses the deep and outer core muscles.
With our knowledge, skills and tools such as ultrasound imaging, the physiotherapists at Kamloops Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre can help you improve the function of your core muscles leading to better function with less pain.
Hand Therapy
Some physiotherapists and occupational therapists choose to take additional training to better serve those patients with hand and upper extremity injuries. To become a Certified Hand Therapist (CHT), one must achieve 4000 clinical hours working on the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder. In addition, the process involves intensive periods of self-study and a rigorous exam process. CHT’s are required to maintain their credentials by attending courses and conferences and re-certify every 5 years.
Some Hand Therapists (generally in hospitals) work with patients immediately after hand surgery and can fabricate splints to help in the recovery process. Others in private practice help people recover from sprained or broken wrists, arthritis of the hand and thumb, tendon overuse injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, elbow fractures, shoulder dislocation, rotator cuff pain and many other conditions.
Kamloops Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre is proud to have Kamloops’ only CHT working in Private Practice. Robert Wingert treats many upper extremity conditions, and is able to make custom braces for some hand and wrist problems as well.

Chronic Pain Management
When pain persists for months or even years it becomes more complex and harder to manage. Scientific knowledge of the reasons behind persistent pain has expanded greatly in recent years. The therapists at Kamloops Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre have up–to-date professional education, years of experience, multiple skills and the compassion and patience to assist you in better managing your persistent pain. Our detailed assessment, the education we can provide you, the varied treatment options we offer, and our teamwork with other health practitioners can help you move forward towards your goals.
Best practice in managing chronic pain utilizes multiple strategies including:
- Careful and empathetic listening by the practitioner to allow person with chronic pain to fully relay the story of how the problem began, how it has progressed and how it is impacting their life
- Thorough physical assessment to:
- Rule out any serious medical issues
- Determine factors contributing to the maintenance of the pain
- A treatment plan that matches the person’s individual goals
- Education on the neurophysiology of pain and how the nervous system can become hypersensitized, leading to frequent flare-ups and decreasing function
- Self-management strategies such as breathing, relaxation, muscle release, exercise and pacing
- Manual therapy, acupuncture, dry needling and other treatments to improve mobility and manage symptoms allowing you to progress in your exercise program
- Multi-disciplinary care to tackle all aspects of the “puzzle” that is contributing to the problem.
If you have chronic pain and want to progress to a better level of function and quality of life, Kamloops Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre has a lot to offer you.
Exercise Therapy
All the practitioners at Kamloops Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre understand that exercise and lifestyle/leisure activities are key components in your recovery and in a healthy, fulfilling life.
Exercise therapy is performed in our bright, spacious clinic gyms and directed by our experienced physiotherapists and kinesiologist.
There are many different components of fitness and wellness that can be addressed with different forms of activity and exercise, including:
- Strength and endurance training
- Flexibility training/stretching
- Education in self-release techniques to decrease muscle tension and pain
- Motor control/movement pattern re-training
- Cardiovascular fitness training
- Core muscle activation and strength training
- Balance training
- Fall prevention
- Vestibular rehabilitation for dizziness, vertigo and imbalance
- Sport performance enhancement
- Pre-season strength and conditioning
- Work task simulation and conditioning
- Pre-surgical “Prehabilitation” to prepare your body for an upcoming surgery

Running Assessment
Whether you’re competitive athlete looking for the next endurance challenge, or brand new to the sport of running, our running assessment is customized for runners of all levels. The complete biomechanical evaluation that includes a physical examination and a video gait assessment of you running on a treadmill can:
- Help you recover from running injuries
- Prevent future running injuries
- Correct your form and reach full running potential
- Improve your efficiency
- Optimize your performance
- Enhance your enjoyment of running and keep you running into the future.
A detailed running assessment can optimize your running performance and help prevent injury, regardless of your level of experience. We treat every runner as an individual and customize the session to your personal goals and physical needs.
When you come to Kamloops Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre for a running evaluation you can expect the following components:
The 60-90 minute assessment includes an:
- Subjective History: current training program, previous and current injuries, and goals.
- Evaluation: A thorough clinical assessment of your anatomical structure, strength, flexibility, range of motion
- Gait analysis: Video analysis of you running on a treadmill.
- Review: A thorough review of your running video in slow motion helps runners understand their individual running style and strengths and weaknesses that may be keeping them from attaining there full running potential. Recommendations are made based on your clinical results, gait analysis, level of training and performance goals.
- Treatment/recommendations: After reviewing findings with your physiotherapist, you will receive recommendations which may include a treatment plan for a current injury, strengthening exercises, flexibility exercises, running technique cues, running drills, and training program modifications
This assessment is not a replacement for coaching but works in conjunction with your current training plan.
What is Tele-Rehabilitation (Tele-Rehab)?
- It is virtual access to your Physiotherapist or Kinesiologist.
- All you need is any computer, tablet/iPad or smartphone device that can be used for video chat
- It is an easy and innovative way to assess and treat patients in need. Whether you are from an area where services are not available or you have health/mobility issues that do not allow you to come to the clinic, we are available to you.
- A Tele-Rehab appointment may include assessment, instruction in self-treatment techniques, education on your injury/condition, exercises and exercise progression, monitoring and guiding you through the stages of injury and rehabilitation to the best of our ability.
Just call us at 250-314-0788 and we will take care of you!