PEACE & LOVE for Ankle Sprains

You’ve heard of RICE, right?  Rest  Ice Compress Elevate But have you heard of PEACE and LOVE for soft tissue injuries? The acronym is:  Protect Elevate Avoid anti-inflammatory modalities Compress  Educate & Load Optimism Vascularization Exercise   What a...

Running Tips for Beginners

Whether you’re running to get fit, or training for a goal, here are some tips to keep you going. Get Assessed Maybe you’ve tried running in the past and just wound up getting injured. Maybe you are struggling to increase your pace. Maybe you just hurt every time you...

Cross-Country Skiing Warm-up

Lets get you warmed up to cross-country ski!   So you’ve been sitting in a car driving to your nearest cross country spot. If you’re lucky that’s out your back door in Aberdeen, but for me it’s at least 25 minutes to Stake Lake, or even more to Sun Peaks.  ...